Model used for boot.
See ChannelIO.boot
Field | Description | Etc. |
pluginKey | Key generated by ChannelIO | Required |
memberId | User's unique id. Logged in customers should always have this value filled in | |
memberHash | A hash value that verifies the provided secret key and member id | |
profile | Users' profile values | |
language | An initial language that user will use. It only takes effect when the user is being created. If user is already created, this option is ignored. | |
unsubscribeEmail | Flag for receive marketing message by email If user's unsubscribeEmail value is already set to true, you can't update by boot | |
unsubscribeTexting | Flag for receive marketing message sms of lms If user's unsubscribeTexting value is already set to true, you can't update by boot | |
trackDefaultEvent | Flag for send default events like PageView | |
hidePopup | Flag for hiding in-app popup like marketing messages. If you want to implemets custom popup, use onPopupDataReceived delegate | |
channelButtonOption | Option that change default channel button position, margins. | |
bubbleOption | Option that change default bubble popup's position, margins. | |
appearance | Plugin’s initial appearance settings - 'light' , 'dark' : use dark/light theme- 'system' : follow system theme | iOS Only(> 10.1.0) |
Do not recommend to use a predictable value for
is a unique value that we use to identify users, we do not recommend to use predictable values such as numerical combination, email address, user name and etc. It may cause privacy and security issues. We recommend to use higher than 256 bits hash value.
Profile profile = Profile.create()
ChannelButtonOption buttonOption = new ChannelButtonOption(
BubbleOption bubbleOption = new BubbleOption(BubblePosition.TOP, 30);
BootConfig bootConfig = BootConfig.create(YOUR_PLUGIN_KEY)
let profile = Profile()
.set(name: USER_NAME)
.set(propertyKey: KEY, value: VALUE)
let buttonOption = ChannelButtonOption.init(
position: .left,
xMargin: 16,
yMargin: 23
let bubbleOption = BubbleOption(
position: .top, // .top or .bottom
yMargin: 0
let bootConfig = BootConfig.init(
pluginKey: PLUGIN_KEY,
memberId: MEMBER_ID,
memberHash: MEMBER_HASH,
profile: profile,
channelButtonOption: buttonOption,
bubbleOption: bubbleOption,
hidePopup: false,
trackDefaultEvent: true,
language: .english,
unsubscribeEmail: false,
unsubscribeTexting: false
ChannelIO.boot(with: bootConfig)
Profile *profile = [[Profile alloc] init];
[profile setWithName:USER_NAME];
[profile setWithPropertyKey:KEY value:VALUE];
ChannelButtonOption *buttonOption = [[ChannelButtonOption alloc]
BubbleOption *bubbleOption = [[BubbleOption alloc] init];
[bubbleOption setPosition:BubblePostitionTop]; // BubblePostitionTop or BubblePostitionBottom
[bubbleOption setYMargin:0];
BootConfig *bootConfig = [[BootConfig alloc] init];
[bootConfig setWithMemberId:MEMBER_ID];
[bootConfig setMemberHash:MEMBER_HASH];
[bootConfig setProfile:profile];
[bootConfig setLanguage:LanguageOptionEnglish];
[bootConfig setWithUnsubscribeEmail:NO];
[bootConfig setWithUnsubscribeTexting:NO];
[bootConfig setTrackDefaultEvent:YES];
[bootConfig setHidePopup:NO];
[bootConfig setChannelButtonOption:buttonOption];
[bootConfig setBubbleOption:bubbleOption];
[bootConfig setUnsubscribeEmail:NO];
[bootConfig setUnsubscribeTexting:NO];
[ChannelIO bootWith:bootConfig completion:^(BootStatus status, User * user) { }];
const config = {
"pluginKey": YOUR_PLUGIN_KEY,
"memberId": MEMBER_ID,
"memberHash": MEMBER_HASH,
"profile": {
"name": NAME,
"email": EMAIL,
"mobileNumber": "+~~~",
"avatarUrl": AVATAR_URL,
"language": LANGUAGE, // "en", "ko", "jp"
"unsubscribeEmail": BOOLEAN,
"unsubscribeTexting": BOOLEAN,
"trackDefaultEvent": BOOLEAN,
"hidePopup": BOOLEAN,
"channelButtonOption": {
"xMargin": 16,
"yMargin": 16,
"position": POSITION, // "left", "right"
"bubbleOption": {
"yMargin": 30,
"position" POSITION, // "top", "bottom"
ChannelIO.boot(config).then((result) => {
// result.status
// result.user
Language for initializing users for BootConfig
If user is already created, this option is ignored.
public enum Language {
@objc public enum LanguageOption: Int {
case english
case korean
case japanese
case device
typedef SWIFT_ENUM(NSInteger, LanguageOption, closed) {
LanguageOptionEnglish = 0,
LanguageOptionKorean = 1,
LanguageOptionJapanese = 2,
LanguageOptionDevice = 3,
// Set language to Korean
"language": "ko"
// Set language to Japanese
"language": "jp"
// Set language to English
"language": "en"
Option for default button's position.
You can set channel button position left bottom or right bottom by ChannelButtonPosition
// Units of x and y are dp in android.
ChannelButtonOption buttonOption = new ChannelButtonOption(
// Units of x and y are pt in iOS.
let buttonOption = ChannelButtonOption.init(
position: .left,
xMargin: 16,
yMargin: 23
// Units of x and y are pt in iOS.
ChannelButtonOption *buttonOption = [[ChannelButtonOption alloc]
"channelButtonOption": {
"xMargin": 16,
"yMargin": 16,
"position": POSITION, // 'left', 'right'
Option for default bubble popup's position.
You can set bubble popup position top or bottom bottom by BubblePosition
// Units of x and y are dp in android.
BubbleOption bubbleOption = new BubbleOption(BubblePosition.TOP, 30);
// Units of x and y are pt in iOS.
let bubbleOption = BubbleOption(
position: .top, // .top or .bottom
yMargin: 0
// Units of x and y are pt in iOS.
BubbleOption *bubbleOption = [[BubbleOption alloc] init];
[bubbleOption setPosition:BubblePostitionTop]; // BubblePostitionTop or BubblePostitionBottom
[bubbleOption setYMargin:0];
"bubbleOption": {
"yMargin": 30,
"position": POSITION, // 'top', 'bottom'
profile data for boot
Profile profile = Profile.create()
.setProperty(KEY, VALUE);
let profile = Profile()
.set(name: NAME)
.set(avatarUrl: AVATAR_URL)
.set(email: EMAIL)
.set(mobileNumber: "+xxxx")
.set(propertyKey: KEY, value: VALUE)
Profile *profile = [[Profile alloc] init];
[profile setWithName:NAME];
[profile setWithAvatarUrl:AVATAR_URL];
[profile setWithEmail:EMAIL];
[profile setWithMobileNumber:@"+xxxx"];
[profile setWithPropertyKey:KEY value:VALUE];
"profile": {
"name": NAME,
"email": EMAIL,
"mobileNumber": "+~~~",
"avatarUrl": AVATAR_URL,
Because memberId is a unique value used to identify a user, we do not recommend to use predictable values such as numerical combination, email address, user name and etc. It may cause privacy and security issues. We recommend using 256 bits hash or stronger.
Parameter | Description |
id | Unique id used by ChannelIO. |
memberId | User's unique id. |
name | User's name. |
avatarUrl | User's profile Image url. |
profile | Profile dictionary to overwrite. Set null to reset. Set null for profile value to reset profile value. Empty map is not allowed. |
alert | User's alert count. |
tags | Tags for user. Data will be overwritten. Max size is 10. Case-insensitive (migrate to lower case) |
language | An initial language that user will use. It only takes effect when the user is being created. If user is already created, this option is ignored. |
unsubscribeTexting | unsubscribeTexting: Unsubscribe from the user's marketing messages via SMS or LMS. |
unsubscribeEmail | Unsubscribe from the user's marketing message sent by email. |
public class User {
private String id;
private String memberId;
private String name;
private String avatarUrl;
private int alert;
private Map<String, Object> profile;
private boolean unsubscribeEmail;
private boolean unsubscribeTexting;
private List<String> tags;
private Language language;
public class User: NSObject {
@objc public let id: String
@objc public let memberId: String
@objc public let name: String
@objc public let avatarUrl: String?
@objc public let profile: [String : Any]?
@objc public let alert: Int
@objc public let tags: [String]?
@objc public let language: String?
@objc public let unsubscribeEmail: Bool
@objc public let unsubscribeTexting: Bool
@interface User : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull id;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull memberId;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nullable avatarUrl;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable profile;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger alert;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray<NSString *> * _Nullable tags;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nullable language;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL unsubscribeEmail;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL unsubscribeTexting;
const user = {
"id": ID,
"memberId": MEMBER_ID,
"name": NAME,
"avatarUrl": AVATAR_URL,
"alert": ALERT_COUNT,
"profile": {
"mobileNumber": "+~~~",
"unsubscribeEmail": BOOLEAN,}
"unsubscribeTexting": BOOLEAN,
"tags": ["1", "2", "3"],
"language": LANGUAGE
Data in OnPopupDataReceived
You can render custom in-app popup by this model
public class PopupData {
private String chatId;
private String avatarUrl;
private String name;
private String message;
public class PopupData: NSObject {
@objc public let chatId: String
@objc public let message: String
@objc public let name: String
@objc public let avatarUrl: String
@interface PopupData : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull chatId;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull message;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull name;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString * _Nonnull avatarUrl;
const popupData = {
"chatId": CHAT_ID,
"avatarUrl": AVATAR_URL,
"name": NAME,
"message": MESSAGE,
Data builder for use updateUser
Field | Description |
language | Force change user's language |
tags | Tags for user. Data will be overwritten. Max size is 10. Case-insensitive (migrate to lower case) |
profile | Profile map to overwrite. Set null to reset. Set null for profile value to reset profile value. Empty map is not allowed. |
profileOnce | Map of profile to be added if there is no each profile values. |
unsubscribeEmail | Unsubscribe from the user's marketing message sent by email. |
unsubscribeTexting | Unsubscribe from the user's marketing messages via SMS or LMS. |
Unsubscribe Texting / Email field is available on 10.0.0 or later
Map<String, Object> profileMap = new HashMap<>();
// name
profileMap.put("name", USER_NAME);
// mobileNumber
profileMap.put("mobileNumber", "+~~~");
// email
profileMap.put("email", EMAIL);
// avatar url
profileMap.put("avatarUrl", AVATAR_URL);
// other values
profileMap.put(OTHER_KEY_1, OTHER_VALUE_INT);
UserData userData = new UserData.Builder()
ChannelIO.updateUser(userData, null);
var profile: [String:Any] = [:]
// name
profile["name"] = USER_NAME
// mobileNumber
profile["mobileNumber"] = "+~~~"
// email
profile["email"] = EMAIL
// avatar url
profile["avatarUrl"] = AVATAR_URL
// other
let userData = UpdateUserParamBuilder
.with(language: .english)
.with(profile: profile)
ChannelIO.updateUser(param: userData) { (error, user) in
if let user = user, error != nil {
// success, result data is user
} else if let error = error {
// error, see error
UpdateUserParamObjcBuilder *builder = [[UpdateUserParamObjcBuilder alloc] init];
// name
[builder withProfileKey:@"name" value:USER_NAME];
// mobileNumber
[builder withProfileKey:@"mobileNumber" value:@"+~~~"];
// email
[builder withProfileKey:@"email" value:EMAIL];
// avatar url
[builder withProfileKey:@"avatarUrl" value:AVATAR_URL];
// other
[builder withProfileKey:@"OTHER_KEY" value:OTHER_VALUE];
[builder withLanguage:LanguageOptionEnglish];
[ChannelIO updateUserWithParam:[builder build] completion:^(NSError * error, User * user) {
if (user != nil && error == nil) {
// success, result data is user
} else (error != nil) {
// error, see error
const user = {
"language": LANGUAGE, // "ko", "jp", "en"
"tags": ["1", "2", "3"],
"profile": {
"name": NAME,
"email": EMAIL,
"mobileNumber": '+~~~',
"avatarUrl": AVATAR_URL,
"profileOnce": {
"unsubscribeEmail": BOOLEAN,
"unsubscribeTexting": BOOLEAN,
ChannelIO.updateUser(user).then((result) => {
// result.error
// result.user
Enum for boot result.
public enum BootStatus {
public enum BootStatus : Int {
case success
case notInitialized
case networkTimeout
case notAvailableVersion
case serviceUnderConstruction
case requirePayment
case accessDenied
case unknown
typedef SWIFT_ENUM(NSInteger, BootStatus, closed) {
BootStatusSuccess = 0,
BootStatusNotInitialized = 1,
BootStatusNetworkTimeout = 2,
BootStatusNotAvailableVersion = 3,
BootStatusServiceUnderConstruction = 4,
BootStatusRequirePayment = 5,
BootStatusAccessDenied = 6,
BootStatusUnknown = 7,
Updated over 1 year ago