Input can get one-line string from user
"id": "input-name",
"type": "input",
"label": "name",
"placeholder": "Write his/her name in here",
"value": "Billo",
"disabled": false
Property | Type | Example | Description | Required |
id | string | input-name | ID of component. ID should be unique in snippet. | true |
type | string | input | Type of component. use input. | true |
label | string | name | Text shown above input box. | false |
placeholder | string | Write his/her name in here | Placeholder text in input box. | false |
value | string | Billo | Default value in input box | false |
error | string | Length of name should be lower than 50. | Error text which will be displayed in red color | false |
disabled | boolean | false | To disable input box, set this field true. Default is false | false |
Updated over 1 year ago