Get a UserChat's messages

Retrieve a list of message of UserChat with ID.


Accessible via URL{userChatId}/messages and HTTP GET


This method does currently accept application/json only.

ParameterExampleRequiredDescriptionParameter type
userChatId5e65fa8bc2409f0c1fd3RequiredID of UserChatPath
sinceeyJjaGF0S2V5IjoiZ3Jvn0=OptionalEncoded key of the first message to be retrievedQeury
limit25OptionalRestrict the maximum number of messages to be retrievedQuery
sortOrderdesc(or asc)RequiredOrder messages should be listed (descending order means latest message first)Query




Returns messages along with related information.

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"string", "revisionId": "string", "sectionId": "string", "stepIndex": 0, "buttons": [ { "text": "string", "nextSectionId": "string" } ], "submitButtonIndex": 0 }, "threadMsg": true, "broadcastedMsg": true, "rootMessageId": "string" } ], "bots": [ { "id": "string", "channelId": "string", "name": "string", "createdAt": 1624414655822, "avatar": { "bucket": "string", "key": "string", "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "color": "string", "avatarUrl": "string" } ], "users": [ { "id": "string", "channelId": "string", "memberId": "string", "veilId": "string", "unifiedId": "string", "name": "string", "profile": { "name": "string", "empty": true, "email": "string", "avatarUrl": "string", "mobileNumber": "string", "additionalProp1": {}, "additionalProp2": {}, "additionalProp3": {} }, "profileOnce": { "name": "string", "empty": true, "email": "string", "avatarUrl": "string", "mobileNumber": "string", "additionalProp1": {}, "additionalProp2": {}, "additionalProp3": {} }, "tags": [ "string" ], "alert": 0, 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"operator": {}, "values": [ {} ], "and": [ null ], "or": [ null ] }, "userQuery": { "key": "string", "type": "boolean", "operator": {}, "values": [ {} ], "and": [ null ], "or": [ null ] }, "draft": { "supportBot": {}, "sections": [ { "name": "string", "actions": [ { "type": "string" } ], "steps": [ { "message": { "blocks": [ { "type": "bullets", "language": "string", "value": "string", "blocks": [ null ] } ], "buttons": [ { "title": "string", "colorVariant": "cobalt", "url": "string" } ], "files": [ { "id": "string", "type": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0, "contentType": "string", "duration": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "orientation": 0, "animated": true, "bucket": "string", "key": "string", "previewKey": "string", "channelId": "string", "chatType": "string", "chatId": "string" } ], "webPage": { "id": "string", "url": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "videoUrl": "string", "publisher": "string", "author": "string", "width": 0, "height": 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Implementation Notes

The number of messages retrieved in this endpoint is restricted by the limit query parameter, and is capped to values in the closed interval [1, 500].

Pagination is supported through the since query parameter along with the next value contained in the root object of the JSON response. Successive queries to this endpoint using the previous next value as the since parameter will ultimately retrieve all messages in the chat.

If the since parameter is left empty, the list retrieved will start with the first message (as specified by the order parameter).

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