Text component shows text in snippet.

{ "id": "service-intro-text", "type": "text", "text": "Hi! It's Channel Talk :)", "style": "paragraph", "align": "center", "color": "default" }
idstringservice-intro-textID of component. ID should be unique in snippet.true
typestringtextType of component. use texttrue
textstringHi! It's Channel Talk :)The text which will rendered in snippet.true
stylestringparagraphStyle of text. "h1", "h2", "paragraph" allowed. Default is "paragraph"false
alignstringleftAlign of text. "center", "left" allowed. Default is "left"false
colorstringdefaultColor of text. "default", "muted", "success", "highlighted", "warning" allowed. Default is "default"false

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