Listener / Delegate

This is a notifier for ChannelIO events.

This document tell you about listener / delegate's functions.

You can use this interface like this

ChannelIO.setListener(new ChannelPluginListener() {
  // code
ChannelIO.delegate = self
[ChannelIO setDelegate:self];


Called when messenger screen is appreared.
Generally called when user click channel button, call ChannelIO.showMessenger, ChannelIO.openChat

void onShowMessenger();
func onShowMessenger() {
- (void)onShowMessenger { 
ChannelIO.onShowMessenger(() => { });


Called when messenger screen is hidden.
Generally called when user click close button, call ChannelIO.hideMessenger, ChannelIO.sleep, ChannelIO.shutdown etc...

void onHideMessenger();
func onHideMessenger() {
- (void)onHideMessenger {
ChannelIO.onHideMessenger(() => { });


Called when the user success creates a chat.

void onChatCreated(String chatId);
func onChatCreated(chatId: String) {
- (void)onChatCreatedWithChatId:(NSString *)chatId { 
ChannelIO.onChatCreated((chatId) => { });


Called when badge count is changed.

Use initial badge count by BootCallback > User.alert

void onBadgeChanged(int count);
func onBadgeChanged(alert: Int) {
- (void)onBadgeChangedWithAlert:(NSInteger)alert { 
ChannelIO.onBadgeChanged((count) => { });


Called when followup contact changed by user interaction (follow up form, change in settings)
This method is not called by ChannelIO.updateUser

Map's values can be null

void onFollowUpChanged(Map<String, String> data);
func onFollowUpChanged(data: [String : Any]){
- (void)onFollowUpChangedWithData:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)data {
ChannelIO.onFollowUpChanged((data) => { });


Called when user click url in chat, link buttons.
return true to block redirect by ChannelIO

boolean onUrlClicked(String url);

public boolean onUrlClicked(String url) {
  // SDK do not action when return true
  return true;
func onUrlClicked(url: URL) -> Bool {
	// SDK do not action when return true
	return true
- (BOOL)onUrlClickedWithUrl:(NSURL *)url {
  // SDK do not action when return true
  return YES;
let handleUrl = true;

ChannelIO.onUrlClicked((url, next) => {
	if (!handleUrl) {
		// Use this function if you want to open web view


Called when popup data is received.
Generally called when manager talked, marketing message incomming.

See more about PopupData

void onPopupDataReceived(PopupData popupData)
func onPopupDataReceived(event: PopupData) {
- (void)onPopupDataReceivedWithEvent:(PopupData *)event {
ChannelIO.onPopupDataReceived((popupData) => { });



Called when user click push notification

public boolean onPushNotificationClicked(String chatId) {
  // SDK do not action when return true
  return true;