
ChannelPluginDelegate is a protocol that one can implement to get called delegate methods.


Notify when badge count (unread count for a guest) has been changed

countIntrepresents current badge count
public class MyApp : ChannelPluginDelegate {
  //set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
  func onChangeBadge(count: Int) {
    //do something with count
@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelPluginDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
- (void)onChangeBadgeWithCount:(NSInteger)count {
    // do something with count 


Notify when a guest profile has been changed. The parameter provides both profile key and its value. This method can be used when you want to sync updated guest data into your database.

keyStringa profile key
keyAny?a profile value
public class MyApp : ChannelDelegate {
  //set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
  func onChangeProfile(key: String, value: Any?) {
    // sync your database with key and value
@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
- (void)onChangeProfileWithKey:(NSString *)key value:(id)value {
	// sync your database with key and value


Notify when a link within a message is clicked. Return true if you want to handle an URL, otherwise false for default behavior. If this delegate method is not implemented or return false, ChannelIO treats it as a normal URL link and attempts to open in Safari.

urlURLa url that has been clicked
public class MyApp : ChannelDelegate {
  //set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
  func onClickChatLink(url: URL) -> Bool {
    // do something with url
    return false
@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
- (BOOL)onClickChatLinkWithUrl:(NSURL *url) {
    // do something with url
    return NO;


Notify when a guest gets notification from Channel. Parameter event contains the necessary information to display in-app push view. This method is useful when you want to customize the in-app push view.

userChatPushEventa object that contains push information
public class MyApp : ChannelPluginDelegate {
  //set ChannelPlugin.delegate = self somewhere
  func onReceivePush(with event: PushEvent) {
@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelPluginDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
- (void)onRecivePushWithPushEvent:(PushEvent *)event {




Notify when channel plugin's user chat list is about to show in the view.

public class MyApp : ChannelPluginDelegate {
  //set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
  func willShowMessenger() {

@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelPluginDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelIO.delegate = self somewhere
- (BOOL)willShowMessenger {



Notify when channel plugin's user chat list is about to hide from the view.

public class MyApp : ChannelPluginDelegate {
  //set ChannelPlugin.delegate = self somewhere
  func willHideMessenger() {

@interface MyApp : UIViewController <ChannelPluginDelegate> 
@implementation MyApp
//set ChannelPlugin.delegate = self somewhere
- (BOOL)willHideMessenger {
