
ChannelPluginSettings is an object that contains information to boot up ChannelIO, specifically use in boot. You should provide a value to userId property if you want to boot with a registered user.

public class ChannelPluginSettings {
  private String pluginKey;
  private String memberId;
  private String memberHash;
  private boolean debugMode;
  private boolean enabledTrackDefaultEvent;
  private boolean hideDefaultInAppPush;
  private CHLocale locale;
  private LauncherConfig launcherConfig;
  private Boolean unsubscribed;

  public ChannelPluginSettings(@NonNull String pluginKey) {
    this.pluginKey = pluginKey;
    this.userId = null;
    this.debugMode = false;
    this.enabledTrackDefaultEvent = true;
    this.hideDefaultInAppPush = false;
    this.locale = null;


Return ChannelPluginSettings object with setting memberId

public ChannelPluginSettings setMemberId(String memberId)
userIdStringa user id


Do not recommend to use a predictable value for userId

Because userId is a unique value that we use to identify users, we do not recommend to use predictable values such as numerical combination, email address, user name and etc. It may cause privacy and security issues. We recommend to use higher than 256 bits hash value.
Or use member hash.


set member hash that matched with member id by reserved member hash salt.

public ChannelPluginSettings setMemberHash(@Nullable String memberHash)


Return ChannelPluginSettings object with setting debug mode

public ChannelPluginSettings setDebugMode(boolean debug)
debugModebooleana flag to indicate debug mode


Return ChannelPluginSettings object with setting the flag for default in-app push

public ChannelPluginSettings setHideDefaultInAppPush(boolean hideDefaultInAppPush)
hideDefaultInAppPushbooleana flag to set visibility of the default in-app push


Return ChannelPluginSettings object with setting the flag for tracking default event

public ChannelPluginSettings setEnabledTrackDefaultEvent(boolean enabledTrackDefaultEvent)
enabledTrackDefaultEventbooleana flag to enable tracking default events


Return ChannelPluginSettings object with setting locale code (please refer CHLocale)

public ChannelPluginSettings setLocale(CHLocale locale)
CHLocaleenumlocale code


Set user unsubsribe marketing message programmatically.
If user's unsubscribed flag is true, flag will be not changed programmatically.
Only user action by settings page will applied.

public ChannelPluginSettings setUnsubscribed(boolean unsubscribed)


Set default button position left or right, margin x, margin y.
(please refer LauncherConfig)

public ChannelPluginSettings setLauncherConfig(@Nullable LauncherConfig launcherConfig)